Thursday, November 15, 2012

Moral Standing on Abortion

    Recently, a classmate blogged about the topic of abortion. They said, in essence, that abortion is morally wrong. This is perhaps correct in regards in which women don't want to have a baby because of the hassle. However, I can't see myself agreeing with abortion being illegal for rape victims. And so could abortion be allowed for some and not for others? I don't know. Legislators would have to define "rape". It might not even help to define it if women who don't want the baby for other reasons simply say they got raped and have the abortion anyway. In which case, legislators may need to define the treacherous act further, to a point where actual rape victims may not be able to have abortions to due a ridiculous amount of conditions to be met to consider a rape as legitimate as written law. So, classifying rape to give abortions to some and withhold abortions from others might be worse than simply allowing abortions for everyone. Therefore, I think abortion should be legal.

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